Doing the Work,
to Grow Faith

Look deeper into the things that are sometimes hard to face


New pages for some time-tested thoughts.

I’m so glad you came!

I used to write quite a lot as a teenager. I once kept a diary, but got too busy with life to take the time to just sit down and write. Then I had a reckoning. I had to face some really hard realities about my life and about the world around me. I had also returned to school in hopes of getting some kind of certification. One thing I grew quite fond of was learning how to create websites. It was like a divine connection. The internet became my diary, in a very small way. I never really felt that I could tell EVERYTHING I was going through, but it was a very unique outlet.

My website had to be partially dismantled, so I’m starting a whole new look. I will be adding to this project a little at a time until the old documents have been added. Then, I hope to find some inspiration to share some of what is happening today. Things are changing at a rapid pace! Stay tuned and keep me in your prayers.

Are You Okay?

I hope to be an inspiration to those who are still walking through some of the places where I have been. I also hope to be able to help others to understand how important it is to keep our focus on the Lord as we move forward. There are some principles that must be observed. No matter how much we try to avoid the truth of that matter, we will often find the need to begin at the beginning. "The Word was with God and the Word was God."

The Word is alive!

You will find that I have become quite dependent on the Scriptures.

The Holy Spirit will Guide Us

Our heavenly Father promised us that if we lack wisdom, we need only ask and He will provide us with His wisdom.
